Blepharoplasty in Toronto: The Do’s and Don’ts After Your Procedure


While selecting a top Toronto blepharoplasty surgeon will be your first smart move, ensuring you heal well after eyelid surgery has a lot to do with your choices too. Generally an out-patient procedure, you can expect to go home shortly after your blepharoplasty and begin an essential recovery period. Your facial plastic surgeon should give you detailed instructions and provide contact information to reach your medical experts any time you need. In the meantime, there are a few standard do’s and don’ts patients can follow to achieve optimal results after a blepharoplasty.

Toronto Blepharoplasty Swelling

Even though eyelid rejuvenation surgery could be considered straightforward and less invasive than many other cosmetic surgeries, due to the location, healing may be prolonged. The delicate eye area has thin skin and is highly sensitive. You can expect puffy, watery eyes for a week or two after your procedure. As well, the eyes may be susceptible to light and vision a little blurry due to temporary swelling.

There are variations for eyelid surgery techniques, including Canthoplasty, ptosis repair, fat grafting, fat repositioning, upper or lower lid adjustments. Depending on the complexity and specifics of your procedure, the post-op bruising, swelling or discomfort you experience will be unique to you.

We all know that one of the most captivating and expressive facial areas can be a person’s eyes. Find out more about how blepharoplasty can help you.

To Relieve Swelling or Discomfort:

In most cases, facial surgeons will allow you to apply ice or cold compresses, within a few guidelines. Good circulation is required for healing and applying ice too much, for too long, isn’t usually helpful. Your surgeon may advise you to apply a soft icepack covered with a cloth for 10-minute intervals, a few times per day. Cold compresses, which are soft and less likely to freeze the skin, are a safe way to apply cooling comfort and reduce inflammation. Ask your surgeon before applying anything to your eye area.

Do keep your head up. In the early post eyelid surgery phase, elevating the head helps to reduce swelling. When resting or sleeping, keep the head of the bed up roughly 35 degrees or more.

Do rest your eyes periodically. Increased sensitivity, blurriness and watering can be helped by simply closing your eyes and avoiding bright light or straining to read.

Do apply antibiotic ointment as advised by your doctor, or medicated drops if provided with them.

Do prevent infection by cleansing the surgical sites carefully. Use a clean cotton tip applicator a few times per day after washing your hands. Also, avoid bath water, swimming pools, or hot tubs until healed.

Here are a few things you should not do if you want to heal fast and see great results after a Toronto blepharoplasty

Don’t bend over or lift anything heavy. When you shift gravity and blood pressure to your head/face, that increased pressure will be felt in your eye area. Besides being incredibly uncomfortable, this can lead to bleeding and increased swelling within the first few weeks.

Don’t wear makeup until given the all-clear. Your surgeon will advise you to avoid applying anything like makeup to the eye area until incisions are entirely healed.

Don’t resume sports or other fitness activities until your doctor permits you to. Because these actions elevate blood pressure, you could prolong inflammation or worse if you start too soon.

Do contact the helpful staff at Verso Surgery Centre if you have questions about this or other cosmetic surgery procedures. We’d love to meet you.

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