Facts About Your Hair Loss and Hair Transplant in Toronto


Do you find it challenging to sort through the facts and fiction about hair transplants in Toronto? A quick search online reveals plenty of anecdotal stories- some good and others concerning. We’ve created a condensed list of need-to-know information. Before planning your own procedure, check out this information about hair loss:

What leads people to seek a hair transplant in Toronto?

Androgenic alopecia is a genetic predisposition to pattern baldness. It’s the most common reason patients seek permanent, surgical hair restoration, and most of those patients are male. There are more women today becoming aware of the possibilities available to them, and some of our hair transplant clients are female. Aside from hereditary pattern hair loss, age, hormonal changes, and traction alopecia also lead to permanent hair thinning or bald patches in some cases.

Even though some widespread myths abound, hair loss isn’t caused by wearing hats, brushing or shampooing, clogged pores, or poor circulation to the scalp. You can expect to lose between 100-150 hairs naturally each day, no matter how you care for your hair. If you wear very tight hairstyles over a long period, traction alopecia may result. This condition is sometimes reversible and other times requires hair transplantation to restore growth.

Speaking of reversible, another essential fact to know is that not all hair loss is permanent. That’s why it’s critical that you be seen and assessed by a medical professional in person if you begin to lose significant hair. Your shedding, especially if sudden or in patches, may be related to health. Certain illnesses, stress, malnutrition and medications all lead to a temporary type of “shock loss” called telogen effluvium.

Guided by Dr. Kolenda and with the robot’s rapid rate of extraction, you can have your beautiful hair back in no time, and the look of your locks will be completely natural. Read on to learn more.

What other health and lifestyle factors contribute to hair loss?

Toronto hair transplant patients often want to know how to make the most of the hair they have, especially after undergoing hair restoration. Boosting your diet and lifestyle to maintain healthy growth is a smart move, whether you’re investing in cosmetic surgery or not.

The facts about vitamins and minerals

Did you know that studies have shown high sodium levels lead to hair loss, along with multiple adverse health effects? Salt deposits can collect around your follicles, choking them off from receiving nutrients. Excess salt also depletes your potassium, and you need that for lush hair growth.

You also need optimal iron levels to grow hair and some people with thinning hair don’t realize they’re iron deficient. You can increase iron when you eat dark green veggies, eggs and lentils. It’s plentiful in many foods, but your primary care physician can recommend a good supplement if you need it.

Fact: crash diets are bad for your hair

Do you hop on the latest fat loss fads? Be careful when dieting or fasting because deprivation can lead to shock loss for your hair a few months later. This phenomenon is often temporary, but if you’re chronically malnourished, expect to see more scalp, and thinning, brittle hair as a result.

Another fact- hair transplants are a popular and lasting way to restore hair by redistributing the healthy follicles you have. It’s not the right choice for everyone, and depending on the type of hair loss you have, and your aesthetic goals, you may select any number of cosmetic hair growth treatments, medications, or surgery to get the fullness back. Our hair loss specialists at Verso will be happy to meet with you during a free consultation. Call today.

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